- B. Lex, “Ritual Trance States in Man: A Biological Interpretation” in The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetic Structural Approach, ed. E. G. d'Aquili et al. (forthcoming); E. Bourguinon, “Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness in Anthropological Re search” in Psychological Anthropology, ed. F. L. K. Hsu, 2d ed. (Homewood, 111.: Dorsey Press, 1972).
- E. R. Leach, “Ritualization in Man in Relation to Conceptual and Social Development” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, ser. B, 251 (1966): 403–8.
- E. D. Chapple, Culture and Biological Man (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970).
- E. G. d'Aquili, The Biopsychological Determinants of Culture (Reading, Mass.: Addison‐Wesley Modular Publications, 1972); C. Laughlin, Jr., and E. G. d'Aquili, Biogenetic Structuralism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1974).
- Lex.
- Laughlin and d'Aquili.
- N. Tinbergen, “The Evolution of Animal Communication: A Critical Examination of Methods” Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 8 (1962): 1–6.
- K. Lorenz, On Aggression (New York: Bantam Books, 1966); N. Tinbergen, “Some Recent Studies of the Evolution of Sexual Behavior” in SPX und Behavior, ed. F. A. Beach (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965); D. S. Lehrman, “Interaction between Internal and External Environments in the Regulation of the Reproductive Cycle of the Ring Dove” in ibid.
- P. Jay, “The Common Langur of North India” in Primate Behavior, ed. I. devore (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965), pp. 197–249; M. R. A. Chance and C. Jolly, Social Groups of Monkeys, Apes, and Men (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1970).
- N. 8 above.
- Lorenz, p. 74.
- G. H. Manley, “The Agonistic Behaviour of the Black‐headed Gull” (Ph.D. diss., Oxford University, 1960).
- M. W. Schein and E. B. Hale, “Stimuli Eliciting Sexual Behavior” in Sex and Behavior; N. Tinbergen, The Study of Instinct (London: Oxford University Press, 1951); J. S. Rosenblatt, “Effects of Experience on Sexual Behavior in Male Cats” in SPX and Behavior
- Zygon readers will find an excellent description and diagram of the limbic system by one of its primary revealers in Paul D. MacLean's “The Brain's Generation Gap: Some Human ImplicationsZygon 8 (1973): 113–27, esp. pp. 119–23.–ED.
- Lorenz, p. 72.
- V. J. Walter and W. G. Walter, “The Central Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation” Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 1 (1949): 57–85; E. Gellhorn and W. F. Kiely, “Mystical States of Consciousness: Neurophysiological and Clinical Aspects, “Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 154 (1972): 399–405, and “Autonomic Nervous System in Psychiatric Disorder” in Biological Psychiatry, ed. J. Mendels (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1973).
- See Lex.
- E. Gellhorn, Principles of Autonomic‐Somatic Integration: Physiological Basis and psychological and Clinical Implications (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967); Gellhorn and Kiely, “Autonomic Nervous System.”
- Lorenz, P. 72.
- W. J. Smith, “Ritual and the Ethology of Communication” in Spectrum Of Ritual
- d'Aquili, Biopsychological Determinants of Culture
- C. Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology (New York: Anchor Books, 1963), The Savage Mind (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), and Mythologiques: Le cru el le Cuit (Paris: Plon, 1964).
- N.Geschwind, “Disconnexion Syndromes in Animals and ManBrain 88 (1965): 237–94, 58–644.
- A. K. Luria, Higher Cortical Functions in Man (New York: Basic Books, 1966).
- A. K. Luria, Higher Cortical Functions in Man (New York: Basic Books, 1966).
- N. 4 above.
- C. W. E. LeGros Clar., The Antecedent., of Man (New York: Harper & Row, 1963).
- N. 24 above.
- Biogenetic Structuralism
- H. M. Adler and V. B. O. Hammett, “The Doctor‐Patient Relationship Revisited: An Analysis of the Placebo Effect” Annals of Internal Medicine 78 (1973): 595–602, and “Crisis Conversion anti Cult Formation: An Examination of a Common Psychosocial Sequence” American Journal of Psychiatry 30 (1973): 861–72; O. J. Harvey, D. E. Hunt, and H. M. Schroder, Conceputual Systems and personality Organization (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961).
- H. Terzian and C. Cecotto, “Su un nuovo metodo per la determinazione e lo studio della dominanza emisferica” Giornale di Psichiattria di Neuropatologia 87 (1959): 889–95, and “Amytal intracarotideo per lo studio della dominanza emisferica” Rivista di Neurologia 30 (1960): 460–66; G. Rosadini and G. F. Rossi, “Richerche sugli effetti elettroencefalografici, neurologici e psychici della somninistrazione intracarotidea di amytal sodico nelluomo” Acta Neurochirurgica 9 (1961): 234–42; G. Alema and G. Rosadini, “Données cliniques e E.E.G. de I'introduction d'amytal sodium dans la circulation encéphalique, I'état de conscience” Acta Neurochirurgica 12 (1964): 241–58; O. R. Hommes and L. H. H. M. Panhuysen, “Depression and Cerebral Dominance” Psychictria, Neurologia, Neurochirurgia 74 (1971): 255L–70.
- R. W. Sperry, M. S. Gazzaniga, and J. E. Bogen, “Interhemispheric Relation ships: The Neocortical Commissures: Syndromes of Hemisphere Disconnection” in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, ed. P. J. Vinken arid G. W. Bruyn (Amsterdam: North‐ Holland Publishing Go., 1969), 4:273–90; K. D. Nebes and K. W. Sperry, “Hemispheric Deconnection Syndrome with Cerebral Birth Injury in the Dominant Arm Area” Neuropsychologia 9 (1971): 247–59; M. S. Gazzaniga, 77K Bisected Bruin (New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1970); M. S. Gazzaniga and S. A. Hillyard, “Language and Speech Capacity of the Right Hemisphere” Neuropsychologia 9 (1971): 273–80; J. E. Bogen, “The Other Side of the Brain 11: An Appositional Mind” Bulletin of the Los Angels Neurological Societies 34 (1969): 135–62; J. Levy‐Agresti and R. W. Sperry, “Differential Perceptual Capacities in Major and Minor Hemispheres” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 61 (1958): 1151–65.
- J. Levy‐Agresti, personal communication, 1973; C. Trevarthen, “Brain Bisymmetry and the Role of the Corpus Callosum in Behavior and Conscious Experience” (paper presented at the International Colloquium on Interhemispheric Relations, Czechoslovakia, June 10–13, 1969).
- N. I above.
- W. K. Hess, On the Relations between and Vegetative Functions (Zurich: Schabe, 1925).
- Gellhorn (n. 18 above); Gellhorn and Kiely, “Mystical States of Consciousness” and “Autonomic. Nervous System” (11. 16 above); K. E. Ornstein, The Psychology of Consciousness (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1972).
- A. J. Deikman, “Experimental Meditation” in Altered States of Consciousness, ed. C. T. Tart (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., Anchor Book, 1969), pp. 208–9.