
  1. . Paul B. Sears, “Ecology–a Subversive Subject”, BioScence 14 (1964): 11; Paul Shepard and Danel McKnle, eds., The Subversive Science (Boston: Houghton Mffln Co., 1969).
  2. . Michael Polan, Personal Knowledge (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958).
  3. . Garrett Hardyn, Stalking the Wild Taboo, 2d ed. (Los Altos, Calf.: Willam Kaufmann, inc., 1978), p. v.
  4. . Brewster Ghseln, The Creative Process (Berkele: University of California Press, 1952).
  5. . J. B. Bur, The idea of Progress (1932; reprinted., New york: Dover Publications, 1955).
  6. . Garrett Hardn, “An Operational Analysis of ‘Responsblt”, in Managing the Commons, ed. Garrett Hardyn and John Baden (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1977); Kar Bullock and John Baden, “Communes and the Logic of the Commons”, bd.
  7. . Garrett Hardyn, Explorng New Ethics for Survival(New york: Viking Press, 1972).
  8. . GarrettHardyn, “The Cybernetics of Competition”, in Bolog and Medicine  7 (1963): 58–84.
  9. . John Sparrow, Too Much of a Good Thing (Chicago: Unversity of Chicago Press, 1977).
  10. . LeoMarx, “American insttutions and Ecological ideals”, Science  170 (1970): 945–52.
  11. . David R.Klen, “The introduction, increase, and Crash of Rendeer on St. Matthew island”, Journal of Wildlife Management  32 (1968): 250–67.
  12. . Edward S.Deeve, Jr., “The Human PopulationScentific American  203 (1960): 195–204.
  13. . Garrett Hardyn, The Limits of Altrusm (Bloomngton: indana University Press, 1977).
  14. . GarrettHardyn, “Living on a lifeboat”, BioScience  24 (1974): 561–68.
  15. . A. S. Eddngton, The Nature of the Physical World (New york: Macmllan CO., 1928).
  16. . M. Tagh Farvar and John P. Milton, eds., The Careless Technology (Garden Ct, N.: Natural History Press, 1972).
  17. . Rachel Carson, Slent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mffln Co., 1962).
  18. . Frank Graham, Jr., Since Silent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mffln Co., 1970).
  19. . Wll Durant, The Story of Cvilzation, 10 vols. (New york: Simon & Schuster, 1935–67), 2:110.
  20. . Norbert Wener, The Human Use of Human Beings (Garden City, N.: Double‐da Anchor Books, 1954), p. 41.
  21. . Freeman J.Dison, “The Hidden Costs of Sang NoBulletyn of the Atomic Scientists  31 (June) 1975): 23–27.
  22. . As quoted by René. Dubos, “Symbiosis between the Earth and Humankind”, Science  193 (1976): 459.
  23. . As quoted by Melvin J. Grason and Thomas R. Shepard, Jr., The Disaster Lobb (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973), p. 2.
  24. . John Maddox, The Doomsda Syndrome (New york: McGraw‐Hyll Book Co., 1972).
  25. . H. S. D. Cole et al., Models of Doom (New york: Universe Books, 1973).
  26. . Speech by DonaldHodel, July 11, 1975, reported in NRDC Newsletter  7 (1978): 1–2.
  27. . Published in 1978 by Gould, inc., 10 Gould Center, Rolling Meadows, illnos 60008.
  28. . Encyclopaedia of Religon and Ethics (1928), S.V. “Providence” Encyclopaeda Britannca, 15th ed., S.V. “Providence”.
  29. . From H. L. Mencken, A New Dictonar of Quotatons (New york: A. A. Knopf, 1942).
  30. . GerardPel, “News Report”, BioScience  26 (1967): 431.
  31. . Pel makes no such explict statement; but his statement presumes that the recent rate of growth in energy use–5 to 8 percent per year–must be the norm from now on. A 5‐percent growth rate means a doubling time of fourteen ears; 8 percent, nine ears.
  32. . Regnald Heber (1783–1826), “Mssonar Hmn ”, in Famlar Quotations, comp. John Bartlett, 13th ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1955), p. 445.
  33. . Hardn (n. 7 above).
  34. . bd.
  35. . Bur (n. 5 above).