Abstract. Zygon and the Center for Advanced Study in Religionand Science have exhibited two foci: the theoretical, concernedwith questions of cosmology and human nature, and the practical, concerned with issues of morality and ritual. These foci overlap, but in recent years interest in the practical has increased. This hasimplications for science‐religion dialogue: rather than simply dis‐cussing theoretically points of identity, similarity, and differencebetween science and religion, focus on the practical leads to exa‐mining how each functions in its own way to inform moral life.Increased interest in the practical is commendable, but theoreticalconcerns should not be excluded.
How to Cite
Browning, D., (1987) “THE CHALLENGE OF THE FUTURE TO THESCIENCE‐RELIGION DIALOGUE”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 22, 35–38. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9744.1987.tb01088.x
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