Nancey Murphy has been influential in the religion‐and‐science field through her espousal of the work of Imre Lakatos, more recently developed into a three‐tier approach to the joint epistemology of scientific and religious thought incorporating also the ideas of Hempel and MacIntyre. She has proposed a substantial influence of the radical reformed tradition on science and has demonstrated the nature of social influences on the form of Darwinism. She has developed important links between ethics and the science‐theology debate and has examined in depth ideas associated with hierarchical structuring, supervenience, and the nature of the soul. Together these form a unique and sharply focused contribution to the understanding of the relation between science and religion.
religion and science, supervenience, epistemology, ethics
How to Cite
Ellis, G., (1999) “Nancey Murphy's Work”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 34(4), 601–607. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/0591-2385.00238
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