John Polkinghorne is a significant contributor to the religion and science dialogue, bringing the expertise of a scientist coupled with serious theological study, ordination, and service as a parish priest. He takes both theology and science with utmost seriousness and describes himself as a bottom‐up thinker, confronting the scriptural record as a scientist does data. But he refrains from giving scientific explanations of scripture. Polkinghorne's concern is with hope, and specifically with eschatological hope. The framework for his theological thinking is the Nicene Creed, in which is found the counterintuitive openness common to theoretical physics. He acknowledges the need for thinking beyond the confines of present scientific understanding in proposing active information as a concept for considering the mind.
eschatology, Nicene Creed, bottom‐up thinking, hope, quantum theory, active information
How to Cite
Helrich, C., (2000) “John Polkinghorne: Crossing the Divide Between Physics and Metaphysics”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 35(4), 963–969. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9744.00326
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