There often appears to be a striking correspondence between mythic stories and aspects of reality. We will examine the processes of creative imagination within a neurobiological frame and suggest a theory that may explain the functions of myth in relation to the hidden aspects of reality. Myth is peppered with archetypal entities and interactions that operate to reveal hidden processes in reality that are relative to the human condition. The imagery in myths in a sense “sustains the true.” That is, mythopoetic imagery keeps the interpretive process in experience closer to the actual nature of reality than the rational faculties operating alone are able to do. Indeed, whereas rationalizing can easily lead us awry, genuine myth rarely does. Explanations of events offered by cultures around the world are frequently couched in terms of mythic themes and events. An important function of myth is to provide a “field of tropes” that in‐forms the lived experience of people. This paper focuses especially on those aspects of myth that represent facets of the quantum universe and give us clues as to the relationship between consciousness, symbolism, and reality.
mediate, reality, neurognosis, cognitive development, brain, myth, neurobiology, trueing, truth, cultural neurophenomenology, eidetic cosmology, archetypes, symbolism, potentiate
How to Cite
Laughlin, C. & Throop, C., (2001) “Imagination and Reality: On the Relations Between Myth, Consciousness, and the Quantum Sea”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 36(4), 709–736. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/0591-2385.00392
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